Colors of Noise

Entries from September 2016.

Debian Fun in August 2016
6th September 2016

Debian LTS

August marked the sixteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent 9 hours (of allocated 8) mostly on Rails related CVEs which resulted in DLA-603-1 and DLA-604-1 fixing 6 CVEs and marking others as not affecting the packages. The hardest part was proper testing since the split packages in Wheezy don't allow to run the upstream test suite as is. There's still CVE-2016-0753 which I need to check if it affects activerecord or activesupport.

Additionally I had one relatively quiet week of LTS frontdesk work triaging 10 CVEs.

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.

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