Colors of Noise

Entries from August 2024.

A short look back at the FOSS on Mobile Devroom at FrOSCon 2024
19th August 2024

Last weekend FrOSCon took place in St. Augustin (near Bonn). While memory is still fresh: here's a short look back with the focus on what I think worked well and what we could maybe improve for next year (should we want to do it again):

It was the 2nd time we had a dedicated FOSS on Mobile devroom with a mix of talks, discussions and hacking time and the first time we had a booth showing different devices running Linux. It was nice to see people joining for the first time as well as some familiar faces.

The Mobile Linux Booth (image taken from the

(image taken from


There were talks ranging from how Qualcomm devices are booting (and how the should boot), Debugging the Mobile Linux stack as well as happenings in the app ecosystem and how the weekly news feed covering our ecosystem is created (to name a few). I think the diversity of different topics was well received.

Lightning Talks

Last year we had two one hour slots for lightning talks which weren't completely filled so we went to 30min total this year. The three 10min talk slots filled up quickly with

so we squeezed in a 4th one between two talks (about posting images to the Fediverse directly from a digital camera). We should likely reserve one full hour for lighting talks.

Discussons / Round Tables

The What are you missing to use Linux Mobile daily… round table/discussion (which was sparked by last year's Phosh community get together) was enlightening as it highlighted the different issues people are having (for some of them others could already contribute a solution). We should likely keep that as a fix point in the schedule. These are the bullet points from the white board we could use as a base the check what changed (hopefully improved) next year.

Time for Hacking / Problem solving

The Let's hack together on Mobile Linux session on Sunday morning looks like a good idea as people can trickle in as they see fit in the morning after the social event. It also allowed people to drop by with questions or devices they wanted to get Mobile Linux on (which wasn't always possible due to not yet working kernels).

We could often spark some hope though by redirecting them to the booth to see similar devices to theirs running Mobile Linux. This made me notice that not everyone was aware that there's a booth as well so we could connect booth and devroom better i.e. mention the booths location and devices present there on the devroom's white board and have a printout with the talk schedule at the booth.


The postmarketOS podcast Live Episode was a very nice wrap up of the two conference days. Something similar (or same) would be nice next year.


Some other random thoughts on what we could keep/change for next year (should we want to do it again):


Many thanks go to the people doing a presentation, staffing the booth, the FroSCon orga for a smooth conference and everyone joining, listening in and participating.

Tags: froscon, linuxmobile, phosh.
Free Software Activities July 2024
1st August 2024

A short status update on what happened on my side last month. Looking at unified push support for Chatty prompted some libcmatrix fixes and Chatty improvements (benefiting other protocols like SMS/MMS as well).

The Bluetooth status page in Phosh was a slightly larger change code wise as we also enhanced our common widgets for building status pages, simplifying the Wi-Fi status page and making future status pages simpler. But as usual investigating bugs, reviewing patches (thanks!) and keeping up with the changing world around us is what ate most of the time.


A Wayland Shell for mobile devices


A Wayland compositor for mobile devices


Phosh Rust bindings


A on screen keyboard for Phosh



Wallpapers, Sounds and other artwork


Suite to help with Debian packages in Git repositories


Tool to find processes mapping shared objects


The universal operating system


A Debian derivative for mobile devices


PSTN and SIP calls for GNOME


Minimalistic video player targeting mobile devices


Common user interface parts for call handling in GNOME and Phosh.


DBus service for haptic/visual/audio feedback


Messaging application for mobile and desktop


A matrix client client library


A libcmatrix test client

Help Development

If you want to support my work see donations. This includes list of hardware we want to improve support for.

Tags: gnome, linuxmobile, phosh, planetdebian.

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