3rd November 2016
Debian LTS
October marked the eighteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent 10 hours (out of allocated 9)
- updating Icedove to 45.4 resulting in DLA-658-1
- looking into current xen issues and handling the communication with credativ
- investigating QEMU CVE-2016-7466 in Wheezy and Jessie
- backporting patches for qemu-kvm to fix 9 CVEs resulting in DLA-689-1
- starting with lts frontdesk (more on that next month)
Other Debian stuff
- Carsten and myself had the chance to talk at the Kopano conference about Debian and the state of Kopano in Debian (slides)
- Uploaded kopanocore to unstable, currently waiting in new
- Several Libvirt and Libvirt (2.3.0, 2.4.0~rc*) related uploads (libvirt 2.3.0, libvirt-python, ruby-libvirt 0.7.0)
- Uploaded libosinfo 1.0.0 to experimental. This version has the osinfo database split out into its own source package (osinfo-db, waiting in new) so the operating system and hypervisor information is updateable during a stable release without having to update the library itself
Some other Free Software activities
- Fixed some issues in ansible-spec
- Made specinfra handle libvirt lxc containers like lxc containers
- Fixed an error in calypso that made us potentially remove the wrong entries, added travis ci support and started looking into python-vobjects unicode breackage