# howto convert a cvs-buildpackage style cvs archive to a tla-buildpackage # style arch archive # # (c) Guido Günther apt-get install cscvs tla-buildpackage # due bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=321120 # you have to patch cscvs with this patch: # http://www.sigxcpu.org/unsorted-patches/cscvs-bad-rlog-parser-no-cookie-fix.diff # # Setup of conversion area, needs to be done only once: # ROOT=~/cscvs-work # cvs2tla happens here CVSROOT=/cvs EMAIL=agx@sigxcpu.org cd $ROOT mkdir cvs work arch tla make-archive $EMAIL--debian $ROOT/arch/debian # # This needs to be done for every package you want to convert: # PKG=smartmontools # package to convert ARCHVERSION=$PKG--debian--1.0 LASTUPSTREAM=5.33+5.34cvs20050802 # could be deduced from changelog mkdir $ROOT/work/$PKG # get cvs co: cd $ROOT/cvs cvs co -d$CVSROOT co -d$PKG debian/$PKG # add the projekt (category): cd $_ && tla archive-setup $VERSION # check with e.g. tla categories, tla branches/versions $PKG cd $ROOT/work/$PKG # create working tree tla init-tree $VERSION # now use cscvs to import from cvs cd $ROOT/cvs/$PKG # create the cache cscvs cache -b # import initial revision cscvs totla -S -i 1 $ROOT/work # ...and the rest: cscvs totla -S -c 2: $ROOT/work # TODO: do the same for $PKG--head--1.0 (upstream versions) # now adjust to tla-buildpackage: # rsync this into your debian/ arch archive ARCHROOT=/var/scratch/arch/debian # archive ARCHWORK=/var/scratch/debian/arch/ # working trees cd $ARCHROOT rsync -v --progress -a $ANYHOST:$ROOT/debian/$PKG $ARCHROOT # FIXME: we could do better here and tag all releases LASTREV=$VERSION-`tla revisions $VERSION | tail -1` cd $ARCHWORK mkdir -p $ARCHWORK/+packages/smartmontools mkdir -p $ARCHWORK/configs/smartmontools cd $_ tla get $LASTREV smartmontools-$LASTUPSTREAM cd $_ tbp-markdeb # mark last release # Done