Talks / BoFs

Logs and backtraces: How to provide meaningful problem reports at FrOSCon 2023, St. Augustin, Germany, August 2023 (no video)

Phosh Community Get Together at FrOSCon 2023, St. Augustin, Germany, August 2023 (no video)

Is there hope for Linux on smartphones? at FroSCon 22, St. Augustin, Germany, August 2022 (video)

The current state of Debian on smartphones at Debconf 22, Prizren, Kosovo, July 2022 (video)

Phosh Contributor Get Together at FOSDEM 2022, Online, February 2022 (video)

Debian on a smart phone, are you serious? at MiniDebConf Debconf 21, Regensburg, Germany, October 2021 (video)

My phone runs Debian - and it does phone calls! at Debconf 20, Online, August 2020 (video)

The Librem-5 Phone (status update) at FSFE Group Meeting Bonn, Bonn, Germany, October 2018

The Librem-5 Phone at FSFE Group Meeting Bonn, Bonn, Germany, May 2018

Securing Kopano with Apparmor at Kopano Conference 2017, Arnhem, Netherlands, September 2017

Whats new in git-buildpackage (Live Demo) at Debconf 17, Montreal, Canada, August 2017 (video, starts at ~11:00)

Debian LTS and Security Team BoF at Debconf 17, Montreal, Canada, August 2017

The State of Kopano in Debian at the Kopano Conference, Castle Vaalsbroek, Netherlands, October 2016

GBP skills exchange at Debconf 16, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2016

Wissenswertes über Erlang at FSFE Fellowship Meeting, Bonn, Germany, May 2016

Debian - 22 years and counting at Zarafa Tour 2015, Woubrugge near Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2015

Git-buildpackage BoF at DebConf 15 Heidelberg, Germany, 2015 (video)

Debian Pakete in Git entwicklen at FSFE Fellowship Meeting, Bonn, Germany, 2015

Debian LTS/Shared Library Security Updates at FSFE Fellowship Meeting, Bonn, Germany, 2014

Debian 360° at FSFE Fellowship Meeting, Bonn, Germany, 2013

The GNOME3 Desktop and You at FroSCon 2011, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 2011 (video)

Debian, Groupware and You at Zarafa Summercamp 2011, Kerkrade, Netherlands, 2011

What git-buildpackage (hopefully) can do for you at Debconf 10, New York City, USA, 2010

Was kann git-buildpackage für Dich tun? at Mini-DebConf 2010 during Linuxtag 2010, Berlin, Germany, 2010

Libvirt: Hypervisor independent virtual machine management at Debconf 9, Cáceres, Spain, 2009

How to liberate office documents at the OpenDoc Society, The Hague, Netherlands, 2008

Interviews / Podcasts

postmarketOS #41 INTERVIEW Guido Günther (of Phosh, Librem 5 Fame), on Phosh and LinuxMobile in general, June 2024

FSFE: A PC in your pocket: Librem 5, a Free Software phone, on Phosh and the Librem5, July 2022

FLOSS Weekly on libvirt with Eric Blake, June 2012

FSFE Fellowship Interview March 2012

Radio Tux Juli 2011 regarding the Debian Groupware Meetings starting at 00:30:15.


Guido Günther und Matthias Schmitz: Festplattenüberwachung mit den Smartmontools, Linux Technical Review 03/2007, pp. 88

M. Dreher, D. Fischer, K. Franzrahe, G. Günther, P. Henseler, J. Hoffmann, W. Strepp, P. Nielaba: Numerical Investigations of Complex Nano-Systems, NIC Symposium 2004, Preoceedings, pp. 291

M. Dreher, D. Fischer, K. Franzrahe, G. Günther, P. Henseler, J. Hoffmann, W. Strepp, P. Nielaba: Numerical studies of collective effects in nano-systems, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2003, pp. 193