Configuration Files

Overriding Parsing Order

The configuration files are parsed in this order:


system wide configuration


per user configuration


per repository/branch configuration (deprecated)


per repository/branch configuration


per (local) repository configuration

All have the same format. They consist of several sections, all of them are optional:


Options in this section apply to all gbp commands.


Options in this section apply to gbp buildpackage only and override options from the [DEFAULT] section.


Options in this section apply to gbp import-orig only and override options from the [DEFAULT] section.


Options in this section apply to gbp import-dsc only and override options from the [DEFAULT] section.


Options in this section apply to gbp dch only and override options from the [DEFAULT] section.


Same for the other gbp commands

The actual options in these sections are the command line options without the '--' prefix. So --upstream-branch=dfsgfree would read:


in the config file. In the special case of gbp buildpackage, the stripped prefix is not '--' but '--git-'. Here's a more complete example:

    # the default build command
    builder=debuild -i\.git -I.git
    # the default branch for upstream sources
    # the default branch for the debian patch

    # Sign tags with GPG:
    sign-tags = True
    # Keyid to sign tags with
    #keyid = 0xdeadbeef




For more details, see the gbp.conf(5) manual page.

Overriding Parsing Order

The environment variable GBP_CONF_FILES can be used to override the order in which configuration files are parsed. The following example parses two configuration files in the users home directory (~/.gbp.conf and ~/.gbp.late.conf) and in the debian directory (debian/gbp.conf). The file are parsed from left to right. Since ~/.gbp.late.conf is at the very end of the list it can be used to override configuration entries shipped by the package. This can be useful if packages set e.g. export-dir or tarball-dir and you perfer different locations:

	$ cat <<EOF >~/.gbp.late.conf
	export-dir = ../build-area
	tarball-dir = ../tarballs

	$ export GBP_CONF_FILES=~/.gbp.conf:debian/gbp.conf:~/.gbp.late.conf
	$ cd  <mypkg>
	$ gbp config buildpackage.export-dir

If you want all configuration files to be skipped, set GBP_CONF_FILES to a non existing location. This way only default values and options from the command line will be used:

	$ export GBP_CONFI_FILES=/does/not/exist
	$ gbp config buildpackage.debian-branch