Importing Sources

Importing already existing Debian™ packages
Importing a new upstream version
Recovering from errors
Converting an existing Git™ repository
Upstream sources on a branch
Upstream sources not on a branch
Starting a Debian™ package from scratch
When upstream uses Git
No upstream tarballs
Upstream tarballs and linked upstream history
Upstream tarballs and separate upstream history
Branch layout

Importing already existing Debian™ packages

Importing an already existing Debian™ package into a Git™ repository is as easy as:

  gbp import-dsc package_0.1-1.dsc

This will create a new Git™ repository named after the imported package, put the upstream sources onto the upstream-branch and the Debian™ patch on the debian-branch. In case of a Debian™ native package, only the debian-branch is being used. You can specify alternative branch names via the --upstream-branch and --debian-branch options, or via the upstream-branch and debian-branch options in the configuration file.

If you want to be able to exactly recreate the original tarball (orig.tar.gz) from Git™, you should also specify the --pristine-tar option. This is recommended.

If you want to import further versions, you can change into your shiny new Git™ repository and just continue with the same command:

  cd package/
  gbp import-dsc package_0.1-2.dsc
  gbp import-dsc package_0.1-3.dsc
  gbp import-dsc package_0.2-1.dsc

Or you can import all versions at once using gbp import-dscs:

  gbp import-dscs /path/to/history/package_*.dsc

This will create a Git™ repository if necessary and import all versions sorted by version number.

You can also import all versions of a package known from the service using the --debsnap option of gbp import-dscs:

  gbp import-dscs --debsnap package