class documentation

class DscCompareVersions(DpkgCompareVersions):

View In Hierarchy


Method __call__ Compare two package versions. Return 0 if the versions are equal, -1 1 if version1 < version2, and 1 otherwise.
Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from DpkgCompareVersions:

Class Variable dpkg Undocumented
Instance Variable run_error Undocumented

Inherited from Command (via DpkgCompareVersions):

Method call Like __call__ but let the caller handle the return status.
Instance Variable args Undocumented
Instance Variable capture_stderr Undocumented
Instance Variable capture_stdout Undocumented
Instance Variable cmd Undocumented
Instance Variable cwd Undocumented
Instance Variable env Undocumented
Instance Variable err_reason Undocumented
Instance Variable retcode Undocumented
Instance Variable shell Undocumented
Instance Variable stderr Undocumented
Instance Variable stdout Undocumented
Static Method _f Build error string template
Method __call Wraps so we can be verbose and fix Python's SIGPIPE handling
Method _format_err Log an error message
Method _log_err Log an error message
Method _reset_state Undocumented
def __call__(self, dsc1, dsc2):

Compare two package versions. Return 0 if the versions are equal, -1 1 if version1 < version2, and 1 otherwise.

CommandExecFailedif the version comparison fails
def __init__(self):
