krb5-auth-dialog updates
6th June 2008
krb5-auth-dialog (a simple app that monitors Kerberos tickets) now has a tray icon. This allows you to refresh your TGT or destroy the ticket cache any time you want. It also gives visual feedback on the state of your ticket and uses libnotify to notify about expiry/refresh.
It interfaces with gconf to store the default principal, the time of the first password prompt and the trayicon's visibility:
gconftool-2 --type=string --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/principal "principal@YOUR.REALM"
gconftool-2 --type=int --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/prompt_minutes 30
gconftool-2 --type=bool --set /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/show_trayicon false
So overall it behaves more or less like a regular gnome application now. You can use:
git clone
to get the current version. The code is based on krb5-auth-dialog from Gnome SVN. I hope to get the above changes integrated there soon.