class documentation

class GitRepository(object):

View In Hierarchy

Represents a git repository at path. It's currently assumed that the git repository is stored in a directory named .git/ below path.

GitRepositoryErroron git errors GitRepositoryError is raised by all methods.
Class Method clone Clone a git repository at remote to path.
Class Method create Create a repository at path
Class Method git_inout As _git_inout but can be used without an instance
Static Method ensure_refs_heads Make sure a branch name is prefixed with `refs/heads'
Static Method strip_sha1 Strip a given sha1 and check if the resulting hash has the expected length.
Method __init__ No summary
Method abort_merge Abort a merge
Method add_files Add files to a the repository
Method add_remote_repo Add a tracked remote repository
Method add_submodule Add a submodule
Method apply_patch Apply a patch using git apply
Method archive Create an archive from a treeish
Method branch_contains Check if branch branch contains commit commit
Method checkout Checkout treeish
Method clean Remove untracked files from the working tree.
Method collect_garbage Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
Method commit_all Commit all changes to the repository
Method commit_dir Replace the current tip of branch branch with the contents from unpack_dir
Method commit_files Commit the given files to the repository
Method commit_staged Commit currently staged files to the repository
Method commit_tree Commit a tree with commit msg msg and parents parents
Method create_branch Create a new branch
Method create_tag Create a new tag.
Method delete_branch Delete branch branch
Method delete_tag Delete a tag named tag
Method describe Describe commit, relative to the latest tag reachable from it.
Method diff Diff two git repository objects
Method diff_status Get file-status of two git repository objects
Method fetch Download objects and refs from another repository.
Method find_branch_tag Find the closest tag on a certain branch to a given commit
Method find_tag Find the closest tag to a given commit
Method force_head Force HEAD to a specific commit
Method format_patches Output the commits between start and end as patches in output_dir.
Method get_author_info Determine a sane values for author name and author email from git's config and environment variables.
Method get_branch On what branch is the current working copy
Method get_commit_info Look up data of a specific commit-ish. Dereferences given commit-ish to the commit it points to.
Method get_commits Get commits from since to until touching paths
Method get_config Gets the config value associated with name
Method get_local_branches Get a list of local branches
Method get_merge_base Get the common ancestor between two commits
Method get_merge_branch Get the branch we'd merge from
Method get_obj_type Get type of a git repository object
Method get_remote_branches Get a list of remote branches
Method get_remote_repos Get all remote repositories
Method get_remotes Get a list of remote repositories
Method get_subject Gets the subject of a commit.
Method get_submodules List the submodules of treeish
Method get_tags List tags
Method get_upstream_branch Get upstream branch for the local branch
Method grep_log Get commmits matching regex
Method has_branch Check if the repository has branch named branch.
Method has_remote_repo Do we know about a remote named name?
Method has_submodules Does the repo have any submodules?
Method has_tag Check if the repository has a tag named tag.
Method has_treeish Check if the repository has the treeish object treeish.
Method is_clean Does the repository contain any uncommitted modifications?
Method is_empty Is the repository empty?
Method is_fast_forward Check if an update from from_branch to to_branch would be a fast forward or if the branch is up to date already.
Method is_in_merge Undocumented
Method list_files List files in index and working tree
Method list_tree Get a trees content. It yields tuples that match the 'ls-tree' output: (mode, type, sha1, path). When sizes is True, includes object sizes: (mode, type, sha1, size, path)
Method make_tree Create a tree based on contents.
Method merge Merge changes from the named commit into the current branch
Method move_tag Undocumented
Method pull Fetch and merge from another repository
Method push Push changes to the remote repo
Method push_tag Push a tag to the remote repo
Method remove_files Remove files from the repository
Method remove_remote_repo Undocumented
Method rename_branch Rename branch
Method rename_file Rename file, directory, or symlink
Method rev_parse Find the SHA1 of a given name
Method set_branch Switch to branch branch
Method set_config Set a git config value in this repository
Method set_upstream_branch Set upstream branches for local branch
Method set_user_email Sets the email address to use for git commits.
Method set_user_name Sets the full name to use for git commits.
Method show Show a git object
Method status Check status of repository.
Method update_ref Update ref ref to commit new if ref currently points to old
Method update_submodules Update all submodules
Method verify_tag Verify a signed tag
Method write_file Hash a single file and write it into the object database
Method write_tree Create a tree object from the current index
Property bare Whether this is a bare repository
Property branch The currently checked out branch
Property git_dir The absolute path to git's metadata
Property head SHA1 of the current HEAD
Property path The absolute path to the repository
Property tags List of all tags in the repository
Static Method __build_env Prepare environment for subprocess calls
Method _check_bare Check whether this is a bare repository
Method _check_repo Undocumented
Method _cmd_has_feature Check if the git command has certain feature enabled.
Method _commit Undocumented
Method _get_branches Get a list of branches
Method _get_git_dir Undocumented
Method _git_command Execute git command with arguments args and environment env at path.
Method _git_getoutput Run a git command and return the output
Method _git_inout Run a git command with input and return output
Method _status Undocumented
Instance Variable _bare Whether this is a bare repository
Instance Variable _git_dir Undocumented
Instance Variable _path The path to the working tree
def clone(cls, path, remote, depth=0, recursive=False, mirror=False, bare=False, auto_name=True, reference=None):

Clone a git repository at remote to path.

path:strwhere to clone the repository to
remote:strURL to clone
depth:intcreate a shallow clone of depth depth
recursive:boolwhether to clone submodules
mirror:boolwhether to pass --mirror to git-clone
bare:boolwhether to create a bare repository
auto_name:boolIf True create a directory below path based on the remotes name. Otherwise create the repo directly at path.
reference:strcreate a clone using local objects from reference repository
GitRepositorygit repository object
def create(cls, path, description=None, bare=False):

Create a repository at path

path:strwhere to create the repository
bare:boolwhether to create a bare repository
GitRepositorygit repository object
def git_inout(cls, command, args, input, extra_env, cwd, capture_stderr, config_args=None):

As _git_inout but can be used without an instance

def ensure_refs_heads(branch):

Make sure a branch name is prefixed with `refs/heads'

def strip_sha1(sha1, length=0):

Strip a given sha1 and check if the resulting hash has the expected length.

>>> GitRepository.strip_sha1('  58ef37dbeb12c44b206b92f746385a6f61253c0a\n')
>>> GitRepository.strip_sha1('58ef37d', 10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
gbp.git.repository.GitRepositoryError: '58ef37d' is not a valid sha1 of length 10
>>> GitRepository.strip_sha1('58ef37d', 7)
>>> GitRepository.strip_sha1('123456789', 7)
>>> GitRepository.strip_sha1('foobar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
gbp.git.repository.GitRepositoryError: 'foobar' is not a valid sha1
def __init__(self, path, toplevel=True):
path:strpath to git repo (or subdir)
toplevel:boolwhether path points to the toplevel dir of git repository
def abort_merge(self):

Abort a merge

def add_files(self, paths, force=False, index_file=None, work_tree=None):

Add files to a the repository

paths:list or strlist of files to add
force:booladd files even if they would be ignored by .gitignore
index_filealternative index file to use
work_treealternative working tree to use
def add_remote_repo(self, name, url, tags=True, fetch=False):

Add a tracked remote repository

name:strthe name to use for the remote
url:strthe url to add
tags:boolwhether to fetch tags
fetch:boolwhether to fetch immediately from the remote side
def add_submodule(self, repo_path):

Add a submodule

repo_path:strpath to submodule
def apply_patch(self, patch, index=True, context=None, strip=None, fix_ws=False):

Apply a patch using git apply

def archive(self, format, prefix, output, treeish, cwd=None):

Create an archive from a treeish

format:strthe type of archive to create, e.g. 'tar.gz'
prefix:strprefix to prepend to each filename in the archive
output:strthe name of the archive to create
treeish:strthe treeish to create the archive from
cwd:strThe directory to run in. Defaults to the current dir
def branch_contains(self, branch, commit, remote=False):

Check if branch branch contains commit commit

branch:strthe branch the commit should be on
commit:strthe str commit to check
remote:boolwhether to check remote instead of local branches
def checkout(self, treeish):

Checkout treeish

treeish:strthe treeish to check out
def clean(self, directories=False, force=False, dry_run=False):

Remove untracked files from the working tree.

directories:boolremove untracked directories, too
force:boolsatisfy git configuration variable clean.requireForce
dry_run:booldon’t actually remove anything
def collect_garbage(self, auto=False, prune=False, aggressive=False):

Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository

param auto: only cleanup if required param auto: bool

def commit_all(self, msg, author_info=None, edit=False):

Commit all changes to the repository

msg:strcommit message
author_info:GitModifierauthorship information
def commit_dir(self, unpack_dir, msg, branch, other_parents=None, author={}, committer={}, create_missing_branch=False):

Replace the current tip of branch branch with the contents from unpack_dir

unpack_dir:strcontent to add
msg:strcommit message to use
branch:strbranch to add the contents of unpack_dir to
other_parents:list of stradditional parents of this commit
author:dict with keys name, email, dateauthor information to use for commit
committer:dict with keys name, email, date or GitModifiercommitter information to use for commit
create_missing_branch:boolcreate branch as detached branch if it doesn't already exist.
def commit_files(self, files, msg, author_info=None):

Commit the given files to the repository

files:str or listfile or files to commit
msg:strcommit message
author_info:GitModifierauthorship information
def commit_staged(self, msg, author_info=None, edit=False):

Commit currently staged files to the repository

msg:strcommit message
author_info:GitModifierauthorship information
edit:boolwhether to spawn an editor to edit the commit info
def commit_tree(self, tree, msg, parents, author={}, committer={}):

Commit a tree with commit msg msg and parents parents

treetree to commit
msgcommit message
parentsparents of this commit
author:dict with keys 'name' and 'email' or GitModifierauthorship information
committer:dict with keys 'name' and 'email'committer information
def create_branch(self, branch, rev=None, force=False):

Create a new branch

branchthe branch's name
revwhere to start the branch from

reset branch HEAD to start point, if it already exists

If rev is None the branch starts from the current HEAD.

def create_tag(self, name, msg=None, commit=None, sign=False, keyid=None):

Create a new tag.

name:strthe tag's name
msg:strThe tag message.
commit:strthe commit or object to create the tag at, default is HEAD
sign:boolWhether to sing the tag
keyid:strthe GPG keyid used to sign the tag
def delete_branch(self, branch, remote=False):

Delete branch branch

branch:strname of the branch to delete
def delete_tag(self, tag):

Delete a tag named tag

tag:strthe tag to delete
def describe(self, commitish, pattern=None, longfmt=False, always=False, abbrev=None, tags=False, exact_match=False):

Describe commit, relative to the latest tag reachable from it.

commitish:strthe commit-ish to describe
pattern:stronly look for tags matching pattern
longfmt:booldescribe the commit in the long format
always:boolreturn commit sha1 as fallback if no tag is found
abbrev:None or longabbreviate sha1 to given length instead of the default
tags:boolenable matching a lightweight (non-annotated) tag
exact_match:boolonly output exact matches (a tag directly references the supplied commit)
strtag name plus/or the abbreviated sha1
def diff(self, obj1, obj2=None, paths=None, stat=False, summary=False, text=False, ignore_submodules=True, abbrev=None, renames=False):

Diff two git repository objects

obj1:strfirst object
obj2:strsecond object
paths:listList of paths to diff
stat:bool or int or strShow diffstat
summary:boolShow diffstat
text:boolGenerate textual diffs, treat all files as text
ignore_submodules:boolignore changes to submodules
def diff_status(self, obj1, obj2):

Get file-status of two git repository objects

obj1:strfirst object
obj2:strsecond object
defaultdict of strname-status
def fetch(self, repo=None, tags=False, depth=0, refspec=None, all_remotes=False):

Download objects and refs from another repository.

repo:strrepository to fetch from
tags:boolwhether to fetch all tag objects
depth:intdeepen the history of (shallow) repository to depth depth
refspec:strrefspec to use instead of the default from git config
all_remotes:boolfetch all remotes
def find_branch_tag(self, commit, branch, pattern=None):

Find the closest tag on a certain branch to a given commit

commit:strthe commit to describe
pattern:stronly look for tags matching pattern
strthe found tag
def find_tag(self, commit, pattern=None):

Find the closest tag to a given commit

commit:strthe commit to describe
pattern:stronly look for tags matching pattern
strthe found tag
def force_head(self, commit, hard=False):

Force HEAD to a specific commit

commitcommit to move HEAD to
hard:boolalso update the working copy
def format_patches(self, start, end, output_dir, signature=True, thread=None, symmetric=True):

Output the commits between start and end as patches in output_dir.

This outputs the revisions start...end by default. When using symmetric to false it uses start..end instead.

startthe commit on the left side of the revision range
endthe commit on the right hand side of the revisino range
output_dirdirectory to write the patches to
signaturewhether to output a signature
threadwhether to include In-Reply-To references
symmetricwhether to use the symmetric difference (see above)
def get_author_info(self):

Determine a sane values for author name and author email from git's config and environment variables.

GitModifiername and email
def get_branch(self):

On what branch is the current working copy

strcurrent branch or None in an empty repo
GitRepositoryErrorif HEAD is not a symbolic ref (e.g. when in detached HEAD state)
def get_commit_info(self, commitish):

Look up data of a specific commit-ish. Dereferences given commit-ish to the commit it points to.

commitishthe commit-ish to inspect
dictthe commit's including id, author, email, subject and body
def get_commits(self, since=None, until=None, paths=None, num=0, first_parent=False, options=None):

Get commits from since to until touching paths

since:strcommit to start from
until:strlast commit to get
paths:list of stronly list commits touching paths
num:intmaximum number of commits to fetch
first_parent:boolonly follow first parent when seeing a merge commit
options:list of stringslist of additional options passed to git log
def get_config(self, name):

Gets the config value associated with name

nameconfig value to get
strfetched config value
def get_local_branches(self):

Get a list of local branches

listlocal branches
def get_merge_base(self, commit1, commit2):

Get the common ancestor between two commits

commit1:strcommit SHA1 or name of a branch or tag
commit2:strcommit SHA1 or name of a branch or tag
strSHA1 of the common ancestor
def get_merge_branch(self, branch):

Get the branch we'd merge from

strrepo and branch we would merge from
def get_obj_type(self, obj):

Get type of a git repository object

obj:strrepository object
strtype of the repository object
def get_remote_branches(self):

Get a list of remote branches

listremote branches
def get_remote_repos(self):

Get all remote repositories

list of strremote repositories
Unknown Field: deprecated
Use get_remotes() instead
def get_remotes(self):

Get a list of remote repositories

dict of GitRemoteremote repositories
def get_subject(self, commit):

Gets the subject of a commit.

committhe commit to get the subject from
strthe commit's subject
Unknown Field: deprecated
Use get_commit_info directly
def get_submodules(self, treeish, path=None, recursive=True):

List the submodules of treeish

list of tuplesa list of submodule/commit-id tuples
def get_tags(self, pattern=None):

List tags

pattern:stronly list tags matching pattern
list of strtags
def get_upstream_branch(self, local_branch):

Get upstream branch for the local branch

local_branch:strname fo the local branch
strupstream (remote/branch) or '' if no upstream found
def grep_log(self, regex, since=None, merges=True):

Get commmits matching regex

regex:strregular expression
since:strwhere to start grepping (e.g. a branch)
def has_branch(self, branch, remote=False):

Check if the repository has branch named branch.

branchbranch to look for
remote:boolonly look for remote branches
boolTrue if the repository has this branch, False otherwise
def has_remote_repo(self, name):

Do we know about a remote named name?

name:strname of the remote repository
boolTrue if the remote repositore is known, False otherwise
def has_submodules(self, treeish=None):

Does the repo have any submodules?

treeish:strlook into treeish
boolTrue if the repository has any submodules, False otherwise
def has_tag(self, tag):

Check if the repository has a tag named tag.

tag:strtag to look for
boolTrue if the repository has that tag, False otherwise
def has_treeish(self, treeish):

Check if the repository has the treeish object treeish.

treeish:strtreeish object to look for
boolTrue if the repository has that tree, False otherwise
def is_clean(self, ignore_untracked=False, paths=None):

Does the repository contain any uncommitted modifications?

ignore_untracked:boolwhether to ignore untracked files when checking the repository status
paths:list of stingsonly check changes on paths
tupleTrue if the repository is clean, False otherwise and Git's status message
def is_empty(self):

Is the repository empty?

boolTrue if the repositorydoesn't have any commits, False otherwise
def is_fast_forward(self, from_branch, to_branch):

Check if an update from from_branch to to_branch would be a fast forward or if the branch is up to date already.

tuplecan_fast_forward, up_to_date
def is_in_merge(self):


def list_files(self, types=['cached']):

List files in index and working tree

types:listlist of types to show
list of strlist of files as byte string
def list_tree(self, treeish, recurse=False, paths=None, sizes=False):

Get a trees content. It yields tuples that match the 'ls-tree' output: (mode, type, sha1, path). When sizes is True, includes object sizes: (mode, type, sha1, size, path)

treeish:strthe treeish object to list
recurse:boolwhether to list the tree recursively
sizeswhether to include object sizes
list of objects. See above.the tree
def make_tree(self, contents):

Create a tree based on contents.

contents:list of strsame format as GitRepository.list_tree output.
def merge(self, commit, verbose=False, edit=False):

Merge changes from the named commit into the current branch

commit:strthe commit to merge from (usually a branch name or tag)
verbose:boolwhether to print a summary after the merge
edit:boolwhether to invoke an editor to edit the merge message
def move_tag(self, old, new):


def pull(self, repo=None, ff_only=False, all_remotes=False):

Fetch and merge from another repository

repo:strrepository to fetch from
ff_only:boolonly merge if this results in a fast forward merge
all_remotes:boolfetch all remotes
def push(self, repo=None, src=None, dst=None, ff_only=True, force=False, tags=False, dry_run=False):

Push changes to the remote repo

repo:strrepository to push to
src:strthe source ref to push
dst:strthe name of the destination ref to push to
ff_only:boolonly push if it's a fast forward update
force:boolforce push, can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care
tags:boolpush all refs under refs/tags, in addition to other refs
dry_run:booldry run
def push_tag(self, repo, tag, dry_run=False):

Push a tag to the remote repo

repo:strrepository to push to
tag:strthe name of the tag
dry_run:booldry run
def remove_files(self, paths, verbose=False):

Remove files from the repository

pathslist or str
verbose:boolbe verbose
def remove_remote_repo(self, name):


def rename_branch(self, branch, newbranch):

Rename branch

branchname of the branch to be renamed
newbranchnew name of the branch
def rename_file(self, old, new):

Rename file, directory, or symlink

def rev_parse(self, name, short=0):

Find the SHA1 of a given name

name:strthe name to look for
short:inttry to abbreviate SHA1 to given length
strthe name's sha1
def set_branch(self, branch):

Switch to branch branch

branch:strname of the branch to switch to
def set_config(self, name, value):

Set a git config value in this repository

def set_upstream_branch(self, local_branch, upstream):

Set upstream branches for local branch

local_branch:strname of the local branch
upstream:strRemote branch in the form remote/branch, e.g. origin/master
def set_user_email(self, email):

Sets the email address to use for git commits.

emailemail address to use
def set_user_name(self, name):

Sets the full name to use for git commits.

namefull name to use
def show(self, id):

Show a git object

def status(self, pathlist=None):

Check status of repository.

pathlist:list @return dict of lists of paths, where key is a git status flag. @rtype dictList of paths to check status for
def update_ref(self, ref, new, old=None, msg=None):

Update ref ref to commit new if ref currently points to old

ref:strthe ref to update
new:strthe new value for ref
old:strthe old value of ref
msg:strthe reason for the update
def update_submodules(self, init=True, recursive=True, fetch=False):

Update all submodules

init:boolwhether to initialize the submodule if necessary
recursive:boolwhether to update submodules recursively
fetch:boolwhether to fetch new objects
def verify_tag(self, tag):

Verify a signed tag

tag:strthe tag's name
boolWhether the signature on the tag could be verified
def write_file(self, filename, filters=True):

Hash a single file and write it into the object database

filename:bytestrthe filename to the content of the file to hash
filters:boolwhether to run filters
strthe hash of the file
def write_tree(self, index_file=None):

Create a tree object from the current index

index_file:stralternate index file to read changes from
strthe new tree object's sha1
bare =

Whether this is a bare repository

branch =

The currently checked out branch

git_dir =

The absolute path to git's metadata

head =

SHA1 of the current HEAD

path =

The absolute path to the repository

tags =

List of all tags in the repository

def __build_env(extra_env):

Prepare environment for subprocess calls

def _check_bare(self):

Check whether this is a bare repository

def _check_repo(self, path, toplevel):


def _cmd_has_feature(self, command, feature):

Check if the git command has certain feature enabled.

command:strgit command
feature:strfeature / command option to check
boolTrue if feature is supported
def _commit(self, msg, args=[], author_info=None):


def _get_branches(self, remote=False):

Get a list of branches

remote:boolwhether to list local or remote branches
listlocal or remote branches
def _get_git_dir(self):


def _git_command(self, command, args=[], extra_env=None):

Execute git command with arguments args and environment env at path.

command:strgit command
args:listcommand line arguments
extra_env:dictextra environment variables to set when running command
def _git_getoutput(self, command, args=[], extra_env=None, cwd=None):

Run a git command and return the output

command:strgit command to run
args:listlist of arguments
extra_env:dictextra environment variables to pass
cwd:strdirectory to switch to when running the command, defaults to self.path
tuple of list of bytestr and intstdout, return code
Unknown Field: deprecated
use gbp.git.repository.GitRepository._git_inout instead.
def _git_inout(self, command, args, input=None, extra_env=None, cwd=None, capture_stderr=False, config_args=None):

Run a git command with input and return output

command:strgit command to run
args:listlist of arguments
input:strinput to pipe to command
extra_env:dictextra environment variables to pass
cwd:strdirectory to switch to when running the command, defaults to self.path
capture_stderr:boolwhether to capture stderr
tuple of bytestr, bytestr, intstdout, stderr, return code
def _status(self, porcelain, ignore_untracked, paths):


_bare: bool =

Whether this is a bare repository

_git_dir =


_path: str =

The path to the working tree