Colors of Noise

Entries tagged "debian".

On a road to Prizren with a Free Software Phone
12th August 2022

Since people are sometimes slightly surprised that you can go onto a multi week trip with a smartphone running free sofware so only I wanted to share some impressions from my recent trip to Prizren/Kosovo to attend Debconf 22 using a Librem 5. It's a mix of things that happend and bits that got improved to hopefully make things more fun to use. And, yes, there won't be any big surprises like being stranded without the ability to do phone calls in this read because there weren't and there shouldn't be.

After two online versions Debconf 22 (the annual Debian Conference) took place in Prizren / Kosovo this year and I sure wanted to go. Looking for options I settled for a train trip to Vienna, to meet there with friends and continue the trip via bus to Zagreb, then switching to a final 11h direct bus to Prizren.

When preparing for the trip and making sure my Librem 5 phone has all the needed documents I noticed that there will be quite some PDFs to show until I arrive in Kosovo: train ticket, bus ticket, hotel reservation, and so on. While that works by tapping unlocking the phone, opening the file browser, navigating to the folder with the PDFs and showing it via evince this looked like a lot of steps to repeat. Can't we have that information on the Phone Shell's lockscreen?

This was a good opportunity to see if the upcoming plugin infrastructure for the lock screen (initially meant to allow for a plugin to show upcoming events) was flexible enough, so I used some leisure time on the train to poke at this and just before I reached Vienna I was able to use it for the first time. It was the very last check of that ticket, it also was a bit of cheating since I didn't present the ticket on the phone itself but from phosh (the phones graphical shell) running on my laptop but still.

PDF barcode on phosh's lockscreen List of tickets on phosh's lockscreen

This was possible since phosh is written in GTK and so I could just leverage evince's EvView. Unfortunately the hotel check in didn't want to see any documents ☹.

For the next day I moved the code over to the Librem 5 and (being a bit nervous as the queue to get on the bus was quite long) could happily check into the Flixbus by presenting the barcode to the barcode reader via the Librem 5's lockscreen.

When switching to the bus to Prizren I didn't get to use that feature again as we bought the tickets at a counter but we got a nice krem banana after entering the bus - they're not filled with jelly, but krem - a real Kosovo must eat!).

Although it was a rather long trip we had frequent breaks and I'd certainly take the same route again. Here's a photo of Prizren taken on the Librem 5 without any additional postprocessing:


What about seeing the conference schedule on the phone? Confy(a conferences schedule viewer using GTK and libhandy) to the rescue:

Confy with Debconf's schedule

Since Debian's confy maintainer was around too, confy saw a bunch of improvements over the conference.

For getting around Puremaps(an application to display maps and show routing instructions) was very helpful, here geolocating me in Prizren via GPS:


Puremaps currently isn't packaged in Debian but there's work onging to fix that (I used the flatpak for the moment).

We got ourselves sim cards for the local phone network. For some reason mine wouldn't work (other sim cards from the same operator worked in my phone but this one just wouldn't). So we went to the sim card shop and the guy there was perfectly able to operate the Librem 5 without further explanation (including making calls, sending USSD codes to query balance, …). The sim card problem turned out to be a problem on the operator side and after a couple of days they got it working.

We had nice, sunny weather about all the time. That made me switch between high contrast mode (to read things in bright sunlight) and normal mode (e.g. in conference rooms) on the phone quite often. Thankfully we have a ambient light sensor in the phone so we can make that automatic.

Phosh in HighContrast

See here for a video.

Jathan kicked off a DebianOnMobile sprint during the conference where we were able to improve several aspects of mobile support in Debian and on Friday I had the chance to give a talk about the state of Debian on smartphones. pdf-presenter-console is a great tool for this as it can display the current slide together with additional notes. I needed some hacks to make it fit the phone screen but hopefully we figure out a way to have this by default.

Debconf talk Pdf presenter console on a phone

I had two great weeks in Prizren. Many thanks to the organizers of Debconf 22 - I really enjoyed the conference.

Tags: debian, gnome, librem5, phosh, planetdebian, planetfsfe, planetgnome.
git-buildpackage 0.9.2
10th November 2017

After some time in the experimental distribution I've uploaded git-buildpackage 0.9.0 to sid a couple of weeks ago and were now at 0.9.2 as of today. This brought in two new commands:

We moved to better supported tools:

We added integration with pk4:

 mkdir -p ~/.config/pk4/hooks-enabled/unpack/
 ln -s /usr/share/pk4/hooks-available/unpack/gbp ~/.config/pk4/hooks-enabled/unpack/

so pk4 invokes gbp import-dsc on package import.

There were lots of improvements all over the place like gbp pq now importing the patch queue on switch (if it's not already there) and gbp import-dsc and import-orig not creating pointless master branches if debian-branch != 'master'. And after being broken in the early 0.9.x cycle gbp buildpackage --git-overlay ... should be much better supported now that we have proper tests.

All in all 26 bugs fixed. Thanks to everybody who contributed bug reports and fixes.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in April 2017
4th May 2017

Debian LTS

April marked the 24th month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I had 8 hours allocated plus 4 hours left from March which I used by:

Other Debian stuff


Released versions 0.8.14 and 0.8.15. Notable changes besides bug fixes:

The versions are also available on pypi.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in February 2017
2nd March 2017

Debian LTS

February marked the 22nd month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I had 8 hours allocated which I used by:

Other Debian stuff

Some other Free Software activities

Nothing exciting, just some minor fixes at several places:

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in January 2017
2nd February 2017

Debian LTS

November marked the 21st month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I had 8 hours allocated which I used for:

Other Debian stuff

Some other Free Software activites

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in December 2016
9th January 2017

Debian LTS

November marked the 20th month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I had 8 hours allocated which I used by:

Other Debian stuff

Some other Free Software activites

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in November 2016
9th December 2016

Debian LTS

November marked the nineteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I had 7 hours allocated which I used completely by:

Other Debian stuff

Some other Free Software activites

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in October 2016
3rd November 2016

Debian LTS

October marked the eighteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent 10 hours (out of allocated 9)

Other Debian stuff

Some other Free Software activities

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in September 2016
9th October 2016

Debian LTS

September marked the seventeenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent 6 hours (out of 7) working on

Other Debian stuff

Other Free Software activities

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in August 2016
6th September 2016

Debian LTS

August marked the sixteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent 9 hours (of allocated 8) mostly on Rails related CVEs which resulted in DLA-603-1 and DLA-604-1 fixing 6 CVEs and marking others as not affecting the packages. The hardest part was proper testing since the split packages in Wheezy don't allow to run the upstream test suite as is. There's still CVE-2016-0753 which I need to check if it affects activerecord or activesupport.

Additionally I had one relatively quiet week of LTS frontdesk work triaging 10 CVEs.

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in July 2016
3rd August 2016

Debian LTS

July marked the fifteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. As usual I spent the 8 hours working on these LTS things:

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in June 2016
2nd July 2016

Debian LTS

June marked the fourteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent the 8 hours working on these LTS things:

Other Debian stuff

Besides the usual bunch of libvirt* uploads I addressed several bugs in git-buildpackage, upload pending.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in May 2016
10th June 2016

Debian LTS

May marked the thirteenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I spent the 17.25 hours working on these LTS things:

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in April 2016
8th May 2016

Debian LTS

April marked the twelfth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. I only spent 2 hours (instead of expected 11,25) working on LTS things:

The missing hours will be caught up during May - hopefully also by working on a QEMU/libvirt update in Wheezy should there be any interest - so I've you're relying on QEMU/KVM in wheezy now would be a good time to comment on it.

Other Debian things

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in March 2016
9th April 2016

Debian LTS

March was the eleventh month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent 13 hours (of allocated 11.00 + 5.25h from last month) working on preparing for wheezy-lts:

Other Debian things

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
More sandboxing
25th March 2016

More sandboxing

When working on untrusted code or data it's impossible to predict what happens when one does a:

bundle install --path=vendor


npm install

Does this phone out your private SSH and GPG keys? Does a

evince Downloads/justdownloaded.pdf

try to exploit the PDF viewer? While you can run stuff in separate virtual machines this can get cumbersome. libvirt-sandbox to the rescue! It allows to sandbox applications using libvirt's virtualization drivers. It took us a couple of years (The ITP is from 2012) but we finally have it in Debian's NEW queue. When libvirt-sandbox creates a sandbox it uses your root filesystem mounted read only by default so you have access to all installed programs (this can be changed with the --root option though). It can use either libvirt's QEMU or LXC drivers. We're using the later in the examples below:

So in order to make sure the above bundler call has no access to your $HOME you can use:

sudo virt-sandbox \
   -m ram:/tmp=10M \
   -m ram:$HOME=10M \
   -m ram:/var/run/screen=1M \
   -m host-bind:/path/to/your/ruby-stuff=/path/to/your/ruby-stuff \
   -c lxc:/// \
   -S $USER \
   -n rubydev-sandbox \
   -N dhcp,source=default \

This will make your $HOME unaccessible by mounting a tmpfs over it and using separate network, ipc, mount, pid and utc namespaces allowing you to invoke bundler with less worries. /path/to/your/ruby-stuff is bind mounted read-write into the sandbox so you can change files there. Bundler can fetch new gems using libvirt's default network connection.

And for the PDF case:

sudo virt-sandbox \
  -m ram:$HOME=10M \
  -m ram:/dev/shm=10M \
  -m host-bind:$HOME/Downloads=$HOME/Downloads \
  -c lxc:/// \
  -S $USER \
  -n evince-sandbox \
  --env="DISPLAY=:0" \
  /usr/bin/evince Downloads/justdownloaded.pdf

Note that the above example shares /tmp with the sandbox in order to give it access to the X11 socket. A better isolation can probably be achieved using xpra or xvnc but I haven't looked into this yet.

Besides the command line program virt-sandbox there's also the library libvirt-sandbox which makes it simpler to build new sandboxing applications. We're not yet shipping virt-sandbox-service (a tool to provision sandboxed system services) in the Debian packages since it's RPM distro specific. Help on porting this to Debian is greatly appreciated.

Tags: debian, libvirt, planetdebian, planetfsfe.
Debian Fun in February 2016
8th March 2016

Debian LTS

February was the tenth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent 7 hours (of allocated 11.15 hours) working on squeeze-lts:

… and to make sure we have fewer issues that are fixed in squeeze-lts but affect wheezy …

On non LTS time I cooked up a script to make it simpler to check if a package has security support in a certain release.

Now that squeeze-lts is history I'd like to thank the Debian Security Team for their help and answers to all the questions related to security tracker, DSAs, DLAs and whatnot. I'm looking forward to wheezy-lts now…

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in January 2016
10th February 2016

Debian LTS

January was the ninth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent 13 hours working on:

There was no progress on using the same nss in all suites. This will continue in February as does the Squeeze-lts Wheezy forward porting.

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in December 2015
9th January 2016

Debian LTS

December was the eighth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. It was a bit of a funny month since most of the time most open CVEs were already taken care of by other team members (which is nice) but it resulted in me not releasing a single DLA which feels weird.

Nevertheless in total I spent nine hours working on:

On unpaid time I introduced some usertags for tracking our non DLA related activities (although it seems I'm currently the only user).

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in November 2015
6th December 2015

Debian LTS

November was the seventh month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent ten hours working on:

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian Fun in October 2015
7th November 2015

Debian LTS

October was the sixth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent four hours working on:

Besides that I did CVE triaging of 16 CVEs to check if and how they affect oldoldstable security as part of my LTS front desk work.

I also added some very basic indentation support to our CVE/list Emacs major-mode on non LTS time.

Other Debian stuff

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian work in September 2015
7th October 2015

Debian LTS

September was the fifth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent eight hours working on:

Besides that I did CVE triaging of 9 CVEs to check if and how they affect oldoldstable security as part of my LTS front desk work.

Other Debian work

I finally sent out the summary of the 8th Debian Groupware Meeting we had in the Linuxhotel earlier this year and gave a short talk about Debian at the Zarafa Tour in the Netherlands.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian work in August 2015
4th September 2015

Debian LTS

August was the fourth month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent four hours working on:

Besides that I did CVE triaging of 9 CVEs to check if and how they affect oldoldstable security as part of my LTS front desk work.

Debconf 15 was a great opportunity to meet some of the other LTS contributors in person and to work on some of my packages:


git-buildpackage gained buildpackage-rpm based on the work by Markus Lehtonnen and merging of mock support is hopefully around the corner.

Debconf had two gbp skill shares hosted by dkg and a BoF by myself. A summary is here. Integration with dgit as (discussed with Ian) looks doable and I have parts of that on my todo list as well.

Among other things gbp import-orig gained a --merge-mode option so you can replace the upstream branches verbatim on your packaging branch but keep the contents of the debian/ directory.


I prepared an update for libvirt in Jessie fixing a crasher bug, QEMU error reporting. apparmor support now works out of the box in Jessie (thanks to intrigeri and Felix Geyer for that).

Speaking of apparmor I learned enough at Debconf to use this now by default so we hopefully see less breackage in this area when new libvirt versions hit the archive. The bug count wen't down quiet a bit and we have a new version of virt-manager in unstable now as well.

As usual I prepared the RC candidates of libvirt 1.2.19 in experimental and 1.2.19 final is now in unstable.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian work in July 2015
7th August 2015

July was the third month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent eight hours working on:

Besides that I did CVE triaging of 11 CVEs to check if and how they affect oldoldstable security as part of my LTS front desk work.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian work in June 2015
4th July 2015

June was the second month I contributed to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent ten hours working on:

Besides that I did CVE triaging of 17 CVEs to check if and how they affect oldoldstable security. The information provided by the Security team on these issues in data/CVE/list is an awesome help here. So I tried to be as verbose when triaging CVEs that weren't looked at for Wheezy or Jessie yet.

On non LTS time I patched our lts-cve-triage tool to allow to skip packages that are already in dla-needed.txt. This avoids wasting time on CVEs that were already triaged.

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
Debian work in May
5th June 2015

May was the first month I started to contribute to Debian LTS under the Freexian umbrella. In total I spent six hours working on:

My current work flow looks like

Now I have an already patched source tree to add the backported patches to. Especially in cases where the Jessie version is already fixed this makes it rather quick to get an idea what the affected versions are and to see how the code evolved over time.

In order for this to work properly I made (on non LTS time) some improvements to gbp:

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
whatmaps 0.0.9
18th January 2015

I have released whatmaps 0.0.9 a tool to check which processes map shared objects of a certain package. It can integrate into apt to automatically restart services after a security upgrade.

This release fixes the integration with recent systemd (as in Debian Jessie), makes logging more consistent and eases integration into downstream distributions. It's available in Debian Sid and Jessie and will show up in Wheezy-backports soon.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, planetdebian, planetfsfe, planetgnome, whatmaps.
Bits from the 7th Debian groupware meeting
29th April 2014

The seventh Debian Groupware Meeting was held in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany. We had one remote hacker from NYC which brings the number of attendants up to 9. This is a short summary of what happened during the weekend:

Since we had a nice mix of first time Debian contributors, Debian Maintainers and Debian Developers we had lots of room for discussion and co-working which made this an exciting weekend.

Groupphoto by Carsten Schönert

Tags: debian, planetdebian, planetfsfe.
Calendar synchronisation between Nokia N900 and the Calypso CalDAV server
5th June 2013

One of the replies to the post about Debian's last groupware meeting was from Patrick Ohly of syncevolution fame pointing out that syncevolution already implements calendar autodetection for CalDAV calendars as described in draft-daboo-srv-caldav-10.

While looking at the code I noticed that there's a backend for the N900s calendar by Ove Kåven as well.

When I tried Ove's latest package on my N900 it lead to an immediate crash when doing a:

syncevolution --print-items target-config@webdav calendar

According to Patrick the bug was supposed to be fixed in recent versions so I set up scratchbox and built a newer git snapshot for maemo (sources). This wouldn't crash but didn't show up any items either. It turned out to be a minor bug in calypso returning no content type for REPORT queries which resulted in libneon discarding the whole reply (now already fixed in calypso upstream).

With this out of the way setting up synchronisation is quiet simple:

# Configuration
syncevolution --configure username=<username> password=<password> \
              calendar/backend=caldav calendar/database=https://${CALDAV_SERVER}:5233/private/my_calendar \
              target-config@webdav calendar
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client sync=none syncURL=local://@webdav username= password= webdav
syncevolution --configure sync=two-way backend=calendar webdav calendar

You should then be able to print the items on the local (N900) and from the remote (CalDAV server) end:

# This lists the current calendar items on the server
syncevolution --print-items target-config@webdav calendar
# This lists the current calendar items on the N900
syncevolution --print-items @default calendar

And from there on sync away:

# initial slow sync
syncevolution --sync slow webdav
# from there on
syncevolution webdav

The syncevolution source code has great documentation about debugging problems (e.g. src/backends/webdav/README). So check that in case you run into problems. The tl;dr version is

SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 src/syncevolution loglevel=10 --print-items target-config@webdav calendar

to debug CalDAV related problems. In case you need to run syncevoluton from source be sure to set these beforehand:

export SYNCEVOLUTION_XML_CONFIG_DIR=$PWD/src/syncevo/configs/

On the CalDAV side I used current Calypso git which (with some additional minor fixes) now also interoperates nicely with Iceowl/Icowl-Extension aka Sunbird/Lightning on the desktop side. There's also an ITP for it. So it'll hopefully end up in Debian soon.

Update: in order to do ssl verification with syncevolution/libneon you have to put the CAs certificate to /etc/ssl/certs on the N900 and do a

c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs

otherwise syncevolution won't ve able to verify the server's certificate.

Tags: debian, groupware, maemo, planetdebian, planetfsfe.
Bits from the 6th Debian groupware meeting
29th April 2013

The sixth Debian Groupware Meeting was held in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany. We had one remote hacker from NYC which brings the number of attendants up to nine - an all time high! This is a short summary of what happened during the weekend:

Groupphoto by Carsten Schönert

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
GNOME Shell and On Screen Keyboard
28th December 2012

Running Debian on the WeTab with GNOME Shell without an external keyboard works pretty nicely. The on screen keyboard - if enabled via the accessibility menu - folds out automatically in the shell itself within text input fields. To have this within GTK+3/GTK+2 applications you need libcaribou-gtk3-module and libcaribou-gtk-module installed. For other cases I stitched together a small extension that puts a keyboard "Button" prominently into the middle of the panel. Clicking/touching it will fold it out, clicking again will hide it again. You can fetch it from

git clone git:// ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

and activate it via

 gsettings set enabled-extensions "['']"

OSK Button Screenshot

For kinetic scrolling in Iceweasel I'm currently using Grab and Drag which is not yet packaged for Debian.

Thanks to the Debian's GNOME packaging team gnome-shell 3.6 is already available in experimental.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, gnome, planetdebian.
Preseeding Debian virtual machines with virt-install
13th October 2012

Interactively installing Debian virtual machines with virt-install without having to download anything in advance can already be done by pointing it to a Debian mirror via --location. But you can also add files to the initrd after downloading using --initrd-inject. Upstreams intended use is for kickstart files but we can also feed it a preseed.cfg to automate the whole installation:

virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
             --location=\-i386 \
             --initrd-inject=/path/to/preseed.cfg \
             --extra-args="auto" \
             --name d-i --ram=512 \

preseed.cfg is a regular preseed file (as described in the Debian Wiki) in your local filesystem. I'm using this one for Squeeze and Wheezy VMs. It must be named preseed.cfg in order for d-i to pick it up from the initrd. This also works for URLs like qemu+ssh://<remotehost>/system/ since virt-install uses libvirt's streaming API to upload the kernel and modified initrd to the remote host.

In case you're running this on an i386 you'll need this fix which already sits in experimental.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, libvirt, planetdebian.
Bits from the 5th Debian Groupware Meeting
11th April 2012

This went out to d-d-a already but I figured that this might be of interest here too:

The fifth Debian Groupware Meeting was held in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany. Eight persons attended which is an all time high! This is a short summary of what happened during the weekend:

Tags: debian, planetdebian, planetfsfe.
git-buildpackage in experimental
26th January 2012

I've started uploading snapshots of git-buildpackage to experimental recently. Here's a short list of what changed over the version in wheezy and sid:

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, git, planetdebian.
Testing libvirt and KVM/QEMU with libvirt-tck
13th November 2011

Debian's libvirt in unstable finally passes the Technology Compatibility Kit (libvirt-tck) for qemu:///system:

Files=59, Tests=1579, 315 wallclock secs ( 0.77 usr  1.02 sys + 31.40 cusr 10.14 csys = 43.33 CPU)
Result: PASS

We're running libvirt's internal test suite since 0.9.0 but this doesn't launch any real virtual machines to check things like suspend, resume, snapshotting, migration and it doesn't create storage pools and volumes or networks. This means a lot of testing was done manually with each release.

libvirt-tck provides a framework to perform these kinds of integration testing between libvirt and it's drivers, comes with hundreds of testcases already and it's easy to set up since it's available in experimental:

apt-get install -t experimental libvirt-tck

Edit /etc/libvirt-tck/default.cfg if you don't want to use the default connection URI. Then just run libvirt-tck:


Since this is supposed to stress libvirtd and the hypervisor and since it creates and deletes storage pools, networks and virtual machines it's recommended to run this on a dedicated system to make sure the tests don't blow away any precious config.

If a test fails one can debug that single test using:

LIBVIRT_TCK_CONFIG=/etc/libvirt-tck/default.cfg prove --verbose /usr/share/libvirt-tck/tests/hooks/051-daemon-hook.t

This already revealed errors in our package like a missing parted build dependency breaking the creation of disk based storage pools, bugs in libvirt, crashes in QEMU and minor errors in the test suite itself. We're currently cheating a bit since the tests for hooks and nwfilter are currently disabled due to license problems with the used Perl modules.

libvirt-tck can easily be integrated into Jenkins since it can now use libtap-formatter-junit-perl to generate JUnit XML. To do so simply configure a free-style software project to execute these commands:

rm -f libvirt-tck.xml
sudo libvirt-tck --timer --format junit --force > libvirt-tck.xml

allow Jenkins to run libvirt-tck as root

jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/libvirt-tck --timer --format junit --force

and configure it to publish a JUnit test result report.

Currently I'm only running the tests for qemu:///system so any help running and debugging this for LXC, VirtualBox or XEN is very welcome.

Many thanks go to Salvatore Bonaccorso for packaging the missing Perl modules needed by libvirt-tck.

Tags: debian, libvirt, planetdebian.
Puppet Git Hooks
29th July 2011

During todays very interesting Puppet Skills Exchange given by Christian Hofstaedtler at Debconf 11 it was recommended to syntax check puppet manifests in git commit hooks. Since I wanted to do the same some time ago and I couldn't find anything that does manifests, ruby and erb I wrote some hooks that can be either used on commit or on the remote site when receiving the update. The git archive of this can be found at:

git clone git://

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, planetdebian, puppet.
Squeeze Debian Installer Images for SGI Indy and SGI O2
24th June 2011

Due to two totally different bugs in tip22 the d-i netinstall images for IP22 (SGI Indy) and IP32 (SGI O2) won't boot the installer correctly.

Tip22 is responsible for merging a minimal loader, kernel and initramfs into a single ELF or ECOFF binary, depending on the architecture. This can then be fetched by the machine's ARC PROM via tftp.

A fixed tip22 has been uploaded to unstable and updated images are available from here until we can get this fixed via stable-proposed-updates.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, mips, planetdebian.
Bits from the 4th Debian groupware meeting
12th April 2011

This went out to d-d-a a couple of days ago already but I figured that this might be of interest here too:

The fourth Debian Groupware Meeting was held in the LinuxHotel, Essen, Germany. This is a short summary of what happened during the weekend:

Tags: debian, planetdebian.
git-buildpackage tip #4: creating remote repositories
11th March 2011

In order to ease creation of remote repositories to publish your Debian packaging work git-buildpackage ships gbp-create-remote-repo: If you run

gbp-create-remote-repo --remote-url-pattern='ssh://'

from inside a git repository it will create a remote repository on in the given directory, push your debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches into it and set up branch tracking so you can easily use gbp-pull or git pull to update your local repository from there. '%(pkg)s' will be replaced by the source packages name. If you want to be more explicit you can use:

gbp-create-remote-repo --remote-url-pattern='ssh://'

so no substitution will take place. In case you only want to push to that repository but not pull from there you can use the --no-track option so gbp-create-repo won't set up any branch tracking.

If you specify the remote-url-pattern via gbp.conf calling:


is enough to create a repo on your favorite git server. The default is to create new repositories in the collab-maint repository on

This feature is available in your $PATH since 0.5.16 (it was shipped in examples/ before) and was inspired by the Debian OCaml Maintainers dom-new-git-repo work.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, git, planetgnome.
git-buildpackage tip #3: disabling desktop notifications
23rd January 2011

Since waiting for long running builds is boring and having to check if the build already finished distracts one from doing other stuff, git-buildpackage 0.5.16 reports the build status of a package via desktop notifications if python-notify is installed:

notification with gnome-shell


To disable this feature use:

notify = off

in your ~/.gbp.conf.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, git.
Using git-svn when upstream moves the subversion repository
14th January 2011

To make xul-ext-nostalgy work with icedove 3.1 I finally wanted to update to a new upstream version. The git repository is tracking upstream's svn via git-svn which works great but when I typed

git svn rebase

I got a

Connection refused: Can't connect to host '': Connection refused at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 2310

The svn upstream repo moved to google code. It took me a moment to figure out that this can be fixed easily with:

 git config svn-remote.svn.url
 git config svn-remote.svn.rewriteRoot svn://
 git svn rebase

Just replace the url with the new svn repository url and set rewriteRoot to the old svn repository url and you're done.

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, git.
git-buildpackage tip #2: using git-import-dsc --download for quick fix and review
20th December 2010

When reviewing packages from I like to have them under version control so I can easily compare different versions, write patches and clean up autogenerated files. So when looking at a package I do a

git-import-dsc --download

This command first fetches the files via dget from devscripts and then imports the upstream sources onto the upstream branch (upstream by default) and the debian modifications onto the debian branch (master by default). I can then invoke git-buildpackage as usual. Since this works incrementally I can import newer versions into the same repository and use git diff to see the changes.

If I'd like to hack on a random Debian package (say xul-ext-nostalgy) I usually use:

git-import-dsc --download xul-ext-nostalgy

This uses apt-get source to fetch the source package and imports it into git using the same branch layout as described above so I can use all the familiar git commands to generate patches, etc..

This blog is flattr enabled.

Tags: debian, git.
git-buildpackage tip #1: using gbp-clone to clone a remote repo
18th December 2010

Let's say you want to clone a git repository that has the debian packaging on master and the upstream source is kept on upstream/master (since it tracks upstream's master branch). You can simply use git clone or you can do a

gbp-clone --upstream-branch=upstream/master --pristine-tar git://

This will additionally set up master, upstream/master and pristine-tar to track the corresponding remote branches. There's no --debian-branch option in the above example since master is the default.

If you want to safely update these branches at a later point invoke

gbp-pull --upstream-branch=upstream/master --pristine-tar

from inside the repository. This will only update the branches if they can be fast-forwarded. If the repository has a debian/gbp.conf describing the branch layout a call to


is enough.

Tags: debian, git.
Building GNOME 3 with jhbuild on Debian
3rd November 2010

In case somebody else wants to jhbuild current GNOME 3 prereleases on Debian here's the current set of dependencies and the jhbuildrc I'm using. With the necessary fixes applied upstream now this allows me to build gnome-shell, gnome-control-center and others via

jhbuild build <program>

It needs libmozjs3d-dev from experimental for the shell but the rest comes out of squeeze.

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Tags: debian, gnome.
What maps the shared objects of a security upgrade?
28th September 2010

For a security update of a shared library to take effect processes need to be restarted in order to use the libraries from the newly installed package. The openssl and freetype updates got me thinking again if I caught all the affected services on servers and desktops/laptop systems I'm running.

So I put together a small script that takes a package name and scans /proc/pid/maps for processes that map libraries from this package, it then looks for init scripts in these packages. It can also hook into apt and restart the services after the upgrade. Since the mapping to the init scripts is quite dumb at the moment this should be used with a bit of caution though.

The script whatmaps can be fetched form here. Debs are also available. Besides Debian packages it also handles RPMs and already proved useful since it pointed me to clamav being possibly affected by the recent bzip2 advisory.

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Tags: debian.
Using git svn and git-buildpackage to build packages maintained in Subversion
24th August 2010

Many team maintained packages in Debian are maintained in Subversion which makes a lot of sense if people agreed on a common workflow. If you want to use git to work on these packages you can still do so with a bit of configuration without changing anything for the other team members. Let's take system-config-printer as example. git-svn can be used to checkout the svn repository:

git svn clone svn+ssh:// -T packages/unstable/system-config-printer -t tags/system-config-printer system-config-printer

Since the pkg-gnome team keeps all the packages in one huge SVN repository and splits the directories by release first and then by package the above command uses -T to point git-svn to system-config-printer's trunk and -t to point it to the tags directory. In simpler repositories where trunk, branches and tags are subdirectories of the same base directory using --stdlayout instead is enough.

Since in SVN based packaging the upstream sources usually aren't kept in the repository git-buildpackage needs to know where to find them and how to combine things in the build-directory:

cd system-config-printer
cat <<EOF >.git/gbp.conf
# Build in a separate build-area
export-dir = ../build-area/
# Look for tarballs in ../tarballs
tarball-dir = ../tarballs/
# Overlay the upstream sources on top of it
overlay = True
# Don't use pristine-tar
pristine-tar = False
# Compression type of the tarball
compression = bzip2

Like with svn-buildpackage the orig-tarball is expected to be found in ../tarballs where you should put it now e.g. using the get-orig-source target of debian/rules (yes, git-buildpackage should support this implicitly). You can then work on the package as usual using all the nifty git commands like git-rebase, etc. and build the package (in this case using git-pbuilder):

git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder

or if you don't want to export the current branch's HEAD of your git repository but your working copy (which might contain uncommitted changes) to the build-area instead use:

git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-export=WC

The built packages can then be found in ../build-area. Once the package is ready pushing the changes into the SVN remote repository is as simple as:

git svn dcommit
git svn tag -m"Tagging system-config-printer (1.2.3-0.2)" 1.2.3-0.2

The last command appropriately tags the new version. This saves a bit of typing. In order to fetch changes others have made use:

git svn rebase

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Tags: debian, git.
Back from Debconf 10
21st August 2010
Chris reports back to Debian duty:

`Since one week I'm back from NYC where I enjoyed a very nice Debconf. It was my second one after last year in Cáceres.

When I unpacked all my luggage - three weeks in the US need some stuff - I found these cute green guys between my clothes. Did they break their UFO and use my airplane to travel with me? Anyway.

Thanks to all who made Debconf10 in New York possible. It was a great conference! And last but not least: "Happy Squeeze Freeze"'

I too enjoyed DC10 a lot.
cute green guys
Tags: debian.
Handling privileges with PolicyKit
21st August 2010

I got tired of having to authenticate as root to change printer settings like paper size or printout mode via a GUI. Since system-config-printer uses PolicyKit things like allow myself to change printer settings when logged into the system should be possible without having to mess with cupsd.conf or sudo, are they?

Which printer related actions are governed by PolicyKit:

pkaction | grep printer

shows about the following if you have cups-pk-helper installed. The later is used by system-config-printer to interface with PolicyKit:


So org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.printer-local-edit seems to be what I'm looking for. Let's change the policy for this action:

cat <<EOF >/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/99-local.pkla 

This allows user foo to perform the action org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.printer-local-edit if the user is logged into a local interactive session. The pklocalauthority(8) manpage has all the details. PolicyKit will pick up the configuration file changes on the fly. Lets see if this worked by getting the process id of the running system-config-printer and checking via pkcheck if the process is authorized to use that action:

PID=$(ps a | awk '/[p]ython .*system-config-printer/ { print $1 }')
pkcheck --action-id org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.printer-local-edit --process $PID
echo $?

If pkcheck returns with a zero return value everything is fine and user foo won't need any password to modify local printer settings from now on.

Check the output of pkaction(1) to list more actions that can be setup this way.

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Tags: admin, debian.
Git-buildpackage 0.5.6
13th August 2010

Git-buildpackage 0.5.6 in experimental got rid of it's pbuilder/cowbuilder examples and added Russ's nice git-pbuilder script. I'm very happy how this turned out, now building with cowbuilder is as simple as:

# Initially create a cowbuilder environment once
git-pbuilder create

# Build the package
git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder

# At a later point update the cowbuilder environment with new versions
git-pbuilder update

Or for another distribution:

DIST=lenny git-pbuilder create 
git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-dist=lenny

The new version also better interacts with dch from devscripts. So things like:

git-dch --bpo|--qa|--nmu

are now also supported when adding new changelog sections. Git-dch now detects new upstream version numbers automatically and bumps the version accordingly. In order to get this working I finally fixed the tag format.

Since the current version in unstable should get a chance to move to testing first, I've uploaded 0.5.6 to experimental.

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Tags: debian, git.
10th August 2010

Those old school ones among us that still need a printer who are new school enough to want to get rid of HAL should try system-config-printer from experimental. After replacing hal-cups-utils by system-config-printer-udev aptitude tells me:

    The following packages will be REMOVED:
      hal{u} hal-info{u} 
    0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 2 to remove and 121 not upgraded.

Which means faster startup times and one daemon less on Squeeze's GNOME desktop. The new version also uses PolicyKit instead of gksu for finer grained permission control.

Tags: debian, gnome.
Git-buildpackage in experimental
14th July 2010

Git-buildpackage 0.5.0 in experimental fixes quiete some bugs related to the import of upstream sources and Debian source packages. By getting rid of a complete source tree copy it also got about 50% faster when doing so. Since the code changed quiete a bit in that area it'd be great if some of you could give it some testing before I'll push it to unstable.

Tags: debian, git.
krb5-auth-dialog: Simple AFS plugin
9th July 2010

I've just added a simple afs plugin to krb5-auth-dialog. It just calls either aklog or afslog after acquiring or renewing your Kerberos ticket to get you into your AFS cell. To activate it use

gconftool-2 --set --list-type=string --type=list /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/plugins/enabled [afs]

and restart krb5-auth-dialog. A package with the above enabled has been uploaded to Debian. Thanks to the test account in the cell provided by Jörg Herzinger I could test this easily and I have to say that AFS looks like a cool thing.

Tags: debian, gnome, single-sign-on.
Slides of git-buildpackage talk at Mini Debconf 2010 in Berlin
13th June 2010

The slides of my talk about git-buildpackage at the Mini Debconf 2010 in Berlin are now available.

It was a great conference that I really enjoyed being at. Thanks a lot to all who made that event possible and happen!

Tags: debian.
krb5-auth-dialog: DBUS signals and plugins
3rd May 2010

Krb5-auth-dialog now sends DBus signals when you acquire or renew your Kerberos ticket granting ticket and when the ticket expires. When using OpenAFS This can e.g. be used to trigger a call to aklog on ticket renewal. It's simple to catch the DBus signals from a Python script:

import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus.add_signal_receiver(tgt_renewed_handler, dbus_interface = "org.gnome.KrbAuthDialog", signal_name = "krb_tgt_renewed")
bus.add_signal_receiver(tgt_acquired_handler, dbus_interface = "org.gnome.KrbAuthDialog", signal_name = "krb_tgt_acquired")
bus.add_signal_receiver(tgt_expired_handler, dbus_interface = "org.gnome.KrbAuthDialog", signal_name = "krb_tgt_expired")

The tgt_*_handler will then be called when the signal is received. The shipped Python example allows to execute a script already: -q --acquired-action=aklog --renewed-action=aklog

Krb5-auth-dialog also got a plugin system so you could use a loadable module for these kind of things instead. It already ships a PAM plugin that can be used to run some typical actions like calling pam-afs-session or getting kx509 set up.

You need to tell krb5-auth-dialog which plugins to load via gconf. To load the dummy and PAM plugins use:

gconftool-2 --set --list-type=string --type=list /apps/krb5-auth-dialog/plugins/enabled [pam,dummy]

Since I'm not using AFS or kx509 myself I'd be interested to know if this works out as expected.

If you want to write your one plugins you can use the dummy plugin as a basis.

A package with the above enabled has been uploaded to Debian experimental.

Tags: debian, gnome, single-sign-on.
Simple git data provider for Zeitgeist
13th April 2010

gnome-activity-journal recently entered Debian and it could become a great tool to keep track of hacking activities. The underlying zeitgeist can log these and other events and make the information available via DBus. I couldn't find a data provider that feeds the information about Git commits to it so I wrote a simple post commit hook. This way one can easily see when one worked on a source repository:


Now is there a nice way to store additional information like current branch or commit message along with that?

Tags: debian, gnome.
Boot splashing with plymouth
25th March 2010

Fedora uses Plymouth to provide a flicker free boot for quiet some time now. Debian has packages in experimental but it took some patches to get these working. After adding a Debian logo the boot splash actually looks quiet nice. The initramfs and init scripts do need some more work but it's basically working. Thanks a lot Daniel for merging these so quickly!

To enable Plymouth you first need to set up KMS in the initramfs. For an intel based card you can do this by either adding

i915 modeset=1

to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules or by setting


on the kernel command line. Then install plymouth, set a default theme and update the initramfs:

aptitude install plymouth plymouth-plugins-all
plymouth-set-default-theme solar
update-initramfs -u

Finally add splash to the kernel's command line (e.g. by adding it to /etc/default/grub).

Afterwards reboot and you should see the solar flares:

Plymouth Solar Theme

We're still not fully there yet since we need a newer gdm for a flicker free handover. Fortunately the Debian GNOME maintainers have already prepared a new package in svn. We also need proper support for encrypted disks, asking for the passphrase works with this fix but cryptsetup needs support for it.

Tags: debian.
Letting GTK+ applications blend nicely into KDE4
12th March 2010

In case somebody wants to run KDE together with some GTK+ based applications (like Iceweasel or Icedove) having a consistent style as well as look and feel between KDE and GTK+ applications is a nice thing to have. QtCurve together with xsettings-kde and gtk-qt-engine makes this easily possible:

aptitude install gtk-qt-engine kde-config-gtk-style qtcurve xsettings-kde

Then adjust the following settings:

Log off and right back in. Now your GTK+ applications should blend nicely into the QtCurve KDE look. xsettings-kde additionally bridges KDE settings like double click speed and icon theme via xsettings to GTK+ applications.

Iceweasel without QtCurve Iceweasel with QtCure

Now back to using gnome-shell...

Tags: debian.
Libguestfs: Detecting Debian kernels and packages
2nd March 2010

Here are some more examples of libguestfs usage:

What kernels, modules and packages are in a (currently powered off) libvirt based virtual machine vmfoo:

virt-inspector -c qemu:///system vmfoo

Show free space in virtual machine vmfoo:

virt-df -c qemu:///system vmfoo

List file systems:

virt-list-filesystems -c qemu:///system -l vmfoo

Edit /etc/passwd in vmfoo:

virt-edit -c qemu:///system lenny-base-clone /etc/passwd

Tell guestfish to mount all filesystems of virtual machine vmfoo for more complex inspection and manipulation tasks like LVM operations, partitioning, resizing or filesystem check or creation:

guestfish $(virt-inspector -c qemu:///system --ro-fish vmfoo)

Debian packages are still on alioth.

Tags: debian, libvirt.
Libguestfs: Virtual Machine Image Swiss Army Knife
21st February 2010

I've finally updated the libguestfs Debian packages to 1.0.84 getting them back in sync with upstream. Download instructions are on the pkg-libvirt's wiki page.

Fetching files from a vm image with guestfish is as simple as:

guestfish --ro -a lenny-base-clone.img -m /dev/debian/root download /etc/passwd /tmp/passwd

After hacking around #561991 by running debirf as root we now do pass the testsuite again. The new version includes fuse support as well as the hivex tools to manipulate windows registries.

The source for the Debian package is available at The next step will be to split out the appliance so we can fetch that one via http and upload libguestfs to contrib.

Tags: debian, libvirt.
Git-buildpackage and 3.0 source format
26th January 2010

Here's a short overview of 3.0 source format support in git-buildpackage 0.4.64:

One loose end is the handling of multiple upstream tarballs (#561071, #561072). I'd be great to hear from people already using this feature how this can best be added into the gbp workflow.

The newer kids in town gbp-clone, gbp-pull (for keeping the repo up to date when using team maintenance) and gbp-pq (for managing the quilt patch-queue) don't care about the underlying source package format. These three are a bit underdocumented in the manual but information about the workflow is in the wiki.

Tags: debian, git.
Iceowl extensions 1.0b1 in experimental
23rd January 2010

Release 1.0beta1 of Iceowl-extension (also known as Lightning), the calendaring extensions for Icedove, is now available in experimental. This version works with Icedove 3.0.1 which also lives in experimental at the moment.

Open TODOs for Iceowl:

Iceowl's current packaging git is here:

Any help on the above issues is greatly appreciated. Other open tasks that need fixing in order to get things in shape for Squeeze:

Tags: debian.
Icedove 3.0 - an early Christmas present?
18th December 2009

I've just uploaded Icedove 3.0 to Debian experimental. The package is heavily based on Alexanders work in Ubuntu and Chris did most of the hard work.

It's currently named icedove-3.0 so you can (for now) install this version in parallel to Icedove 2. This version copies over your Icedove 2 profile so it doesn't get messed up.

As long as the package is sitting in new you can grab it from the pkg-mozext repository:

deb sid/i386/
deb sid/all/

We now need help with going through the Debian bugreports against Icedove.

If you want to help out: grab a bug, check if it's fixed in Icedove 3 and if it is, simply mark it as fixed in 3.0~rc2-2 in the bts:

bts fixed <bugnumber> 3.0~rc2-2

Once we're confident the package doesn't break everything we'll rename the binary package to icedove so it replaces the default Icedove on upgrades.

If you want to help out with patches: Git is here

git clone git://
Tags: debian.
KVM/Libvirt changes in Debian
12th December 2009

As already mentioned on <> libvirt 0.7.4-2 (currently in experimental) runs qemu and kvm processes as libvirt-qemu:kvm instead of root allowing you to use features like bridged networking without having to run the emulator itself with full privileges.

Kvm 88+dfsg-3 supports ksm to safe memory when running several similar virtual machines. On a recent linux kernel just do a

echo 1 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run

to activate it. Then run two similar virtual machines and see how /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_shared increases.

Thanks to work of Jan and Micheal Debian now also ships kvm's stable branch qemu-kvm.

Tags: debian, libvirt.
git-buildpackage 0.4.60
7th November 2009

As of git-buildpackage 0.4.60 gbp-pull supports --redo-pq which additionally recreates the patch-queue branch after a pull. Now you can keep your clone fresh with one command.

Tags: debian, git.
28th October 2009

Inspired by tools developed by Debian's OCaml maintainers git-buildpackage now ships gbp-pull that can be used to keep your debian-, upstream- and pistine-tar branch up to date when doing team maintenance.

Tags: debian, git.
Backporting with git-buildpackage
4th October 2009

I added a short explanation on howto handle backports with git-buildpackage to the GBP workflow page.

Tags: debian, git.
git-buildpackage 0.4.57
5th September 2009

git-buildpackage 0.4.57 adds gbp-clone to /usr/share/doc/examples/. If you use it instead of git pull it will automatically set up your upstream and pristine-tar branches. This was inspired by the helper scripts the ocaml team uses.

git-import-orig now calls a postimport hook which can be used to call git-dch after import so I could remove the hardcoded dch call.

Tags: debian, git.
Slides of libvirt talk at dc9
5th August 2009

The slides of my talk about libvirt at dc9 are now available.

Tags: debian, libvirt.
3rd August 2009

git-buildpackage 0.4.55 now ships gbp-pq for easier serializing of git patch queue branches into quilt patch series and vice versa. It's currently in /usr/share/doc/git-buildpackage/examples/. I'll move it to /usr/bin/ once I feel a bit more confident that this is the right interface.

Tags: debian, git.
libguestfs Debian packages
3rd July 2009

I've worked a bit on Richard's libguestfs Debian packages They now also provide perl and python bindings as well as a debug package and the appliance is built using debootstrap/debirf. The wiki has the necessary apt/sources.list (packages are currently available for i386 only).

The source for the Debian package is available at so please send patches to wrap more of the available language bindings into Debian packages.

If you're interested in updates on this as well as other virtualization related stuff in Debian what about joining the pkg-libvirt-discuss list.

Tags: debian, libvirt.
git-import-orig --fast-import
8th May 2009

As of version 0.4.53 git-buildpackage's git-import-orig supports --fast-import. This uses git fast-import to import the new upstream version and speeds up imports by about a factor of two.

It's not as well tested as importing without --fast-import so please be careful and file bugreports if it fails.

Tags: debian, git.
icedove-3.0 packages
20th April 2009

As a result of the 2nd Debian Groupware Meeting snapshot builds of the Thunderbird 3.0 release branch could be rebraned and build for Debian as Icedove. We'll continue to upload snapshots. See the pkg-mozext maintainers page for download instructions.

Tags: debian.
git-buildpackage's posttag hook
20th February 2009

As of version 0.4.47 git-buildpackage exports these environment variables to a called posttag hook:

This allows you to write posttag hooks that push out only the changes that correspond to the created tag. For a simple example see the GBP Manual. Using such a hook makes team maintenance a lot easier since you can't forget to push out the commits and tags for a newly uploaded package while making sure you don't push out any other changes.

Tags: debian, git.
Debian Installer Multipath Support
30th January 2009

The current state of multipath support in Debian Installer's RC2 for Lenny is documented here. The netinst works fine if you use the patched grub (#442382). Unfortunately the CD images are currently broken due to missing libaio udeb.

The easiest way to get the patched grub into your system is via as described in the README.

The recently updated multipath-tools 0.4.8-14 support disks >2TB and also work with kernels more recent then Debian's 2.6.26.

Tags: debian.
virt-manager 0.6.1 available in Debian
30th January 2009

New upstream versions of virtinst and virt-manager are available via Debian's experimental distribution. All the bugfixes we carried as patches have been applied upstream by Cole Robinson, which is great. New features include disk- and newtork-I/O graphs and direct support for installing paravirtualized Debian Lenny Xen Guests via:

   virt-install -n xenfoo1 -r 96 --disk path=/path/to/file,device=disk,size=1 --location=
Tags: debian, libvirt.
Firefox/Iceweasel Debian BTS Search Engine
10th January 2009

While Debian's Iceweasel ships a nice search engine for Debian packages it doesn't have one for the bug tracking system (which I tend to use more frequently). So I stitched together a simple search engine following the Opensearch specificaton. To install it in Firefox/Iceweasel go here.

Tags: debian.
SAP Java GUI Debian packages
9th January 2009

sapgui-package allows you to build a Debian package out of the SAP GUI for Java by simply running:

make-sgpkg PlatinGUI-Linux-710r7.jar

You can then install the resulting Debian package via:

dpkg -i sapgui_7.10rev7_i386.deb

The 'guistart' and 'guilogon' binaries are available as 'sapguistart' and 'sapguilogon' in your path.

Once a new release comes out simply repeat the above steps and all users on your system(s) will enjoy the new version. This has been tested with 7.10r6 and 7.10r7.

The source code is available via:

git clone

An ITP has already been filed.

Tags: debian.
Linking Debian Changelogs back to the Vcs
8th November 2008

When following Debian changelogs (e.g. via apt-listchanges or update-manager) one often wonders what an actual commit messages actually means or how a bug got actually fixed. Currently finding this information is cumbersome:

However this process can be automated if a package uses the following format for changelog entries:

* [commitd] changelog message


* [fed3f3d] fixed segfault during daemon startup (Closes: #7005180)

then you can use Cl2vcs to locate the exact commit that corressponds to that changelog entry. Cl2vcs uses the PTS to parse the packages Vcs-Browser URL to create a link back to the commit.

If you maintian your package in Git, creating this type of changelog entry is simple: You can tell git-dch to include N digits of the commit's SHA1 (the commit id) using the --id-length option, e.g.:

git-dch --release --auto --id-length=7

This way git-dch will include the first 7 digits of the commit's SHA1 (this options can of course also be specified in gbp.conf). Packages already using this are e.g. libvirt and calendarserver.

Note: a possibly useful extension of the above format would be:

 * [commitid1,commitid2,commitid3] changelog message 

so several commits can make up a changelog entry. For Subversion this would then look like:

 * [r123,r125.r127] cleanup whitespace errors
Tags: debian, git.
mount by label with Debian Installer
28th June 2008

The nice thing about d-i is that it's even more flexible then one thinks. Usually an autopartitioning recipe looks like:

500 10000 1000000 ext3
method{ format }
format{ }
use_filesystem{ }
filesystem{ ext3 }
mountpoint{ / } .

But what if you want a to set a filesystem label. That's easy:

500 10000 1000000 ext3
method{ format }
format{ }
use_filesystem{ }
label{ root }
filesystem{ ext3 }
mountpoint{ / } .

This sets the label root on the ext3 filesystem that will be mounted as /. You can set any variable here and the text between the curly braces ends up in $<partition>/<var> ready for partman to pick it up. See partman-auto-recipe for the full details.

The label allows to mount the filesystem by it's label instead of it's device name, so /etc/fstab looks like:

 LABEL=root /     ext3  defaults,errors=remount-ro,relatime 0 1
 LABEL=home /home ext3  defaults,relatime,user_xattr        0 2

Very handy if you insert partitions later which would change the numbering or work with partimage snapshots that should work on PATA and SATA. However this currently isn't supported by d-i since it can only create filesystem labels but can't write them to /etc/fstab. With the patches from #488321 and #488322 this can be done with:

500 10000 1000000 ext3
method{ format }
format{ }
use_filesystem{ }
label{ root }
labeled_mount{ }
filesystem{ ext3 }
mountpoint{ / } .

You also need to fixup mount since it will otherwise segfault during d-i's initial deboostrap run (#488312). Now support for labels on swap devides needs to be added to d-i.

Tags: debian.
git-buildpackage 0.4.31
12th June 2008

Nothing earth shaking in this release:

''--git-tag-only'' allows you to create a tag without having to build the whole project again - useful for large packages. You can either clone from:

git clone

or fetch the package from the Debian Archive once it went through the new queue. The updated documentation is available here

Tags: debian, git.

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